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Freebird Publishers Recognized as the Leader in Prisoner Publications

Freebird Publishers Recognized as The Leader in Prisoner Publications

Reading is The Number One Contribution to Prisoner Rehabilitation

Freebird Publishers ( continues to strive to fight recidivism through prisoner education. The Bureau of Justice Statistics studies have found high rates of recidivism among released prisoners. One study, which tracked 404,638 prisoners in 30 states after their release from prison, found that about 2/3 (67.8%) of released prisoners were rearrested within 3 years of release and more than 3/4 (76.6%) were rearrested within 5 years. More than half (56.7%) of these rearrests were in the first year after release. However, there is a 43% reduction in recidivism rates for those prisoners who participate in prison education programs.

In light of these shocking statistics, Freebird Publishers continually finds new ways to distribute books to inmates. Their books cover a wide range of subjects from cooking to legal education. One of the most important subject to prisoners around the country is Post Conviction Relief. Freebird Publishers has as a featured set of books, the Post-Conviction Relief series by Kelly Patrick Riggs. This set of books has educated many prisoners as Post-Conviction paralegals. With this skill prisoners, upon release, can secure semiprofessional employment once released. This set of books, among the many other legal books distributed by Freebird Publishers, consists of:

Post-Conviction Relief: Secrets Exposed;

Post-Conviction Relief: The Appeal;

Post-Conviction Relief: Advancing Your Claim;

Post-Conviction Relief: Winning Claims;

Post-Conviction Relief: C.O.A in The Supreme Court;

Post-Conviction Relief: Second Last Chance.

Americans who have loved ones in prison would do very well to invest in their future so they may also help in the fight against recidivism.


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