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First Ever Published Source of Compassionate Release Motion Examples

Even after receiving stimulus checks and President Biden's proposed relief package, many qualified prisoners will still be unable to afford to hire a lawyer to file a motion for Compassionate Release. Freebird Publishers ( strives to fill the void for sick, elderly and deserving incarcerated Americans who can't pay ridiculously high legal fees. In 2018, Congress passed a law allowing prisoners to seek Compassionate Release. Yet today, thousands of qualified prisoners are still incarcerated due to poverty.

The only hope for prisoners who are not wealthy is

to file a motion on their own, under a status that is commonly known as pro se. Pro se is a Latin term that literally means, self or "in one's own behalf". They are also known to be without the help of a professional attorney. Unfortunately, neither lawyers nor courts are willing to provide any help. There are no court sponsored websites or stock forms to guide prisoners and their families in the right direction. It almost seems as though the courts have flouted Congress' view of relief that should be available to old, sickly and handicapped prisoners.

When Freebird Publishers discovered this need they stepped up to fill the gap. As is not uncommon, the CEO of Freebird Publishers (Martha Dee Schindelwig) reached out to one of her loyal legal authors (Kelly Patrick Riggs), who has had recent success with Compassionate Release motions. In a brief conversation an idea was born. Schindelwig and Riggs both knew that they were limited on what the law would allow them to do for prisoners, so they both agreed to do what they do best.

After months of legal study, and observation of the effect the Coronavirus Pandemic had on the nation's prisons, Riggs compiled hundreds of hours of research. He categorized and simplified information into a format that is easily understandable, then he began his next great passion. It was then that his next book idea had taken form, Post-Conviction Relief: Second Last Chance. Once refined the book was submitted to Freebird Publishers, along with many of the letters of praise that still pour in. Freebird Publishers had in hand the answer to their most recent concern for elderly and disabled prisoners, relief from the spread of the Coronavirus under the Compassionate Release provision of the First Step Act of 2018. With their expertise and diligence in the publishing industry Freebird Publishers made short order of getting the book into the market.

In December of 2020, the new book, Post-Conviction Relief: Second Last Chance, by Kelly Patrick Riggs, was released and made available in the marketplace. This book covers a wide variety of examples that will guide prisoners who are seeking both freedom and sentence reduction. It shatters the myth that prisoners only have one shot at relief and provides many examples of what forms of relief still remain.

Inside this book the reader will find instruction on making actual innocence claims, claims for compassionate release due to health and sentence reductions based on the outbreak of Covid-19 in America's prisons.

This book is, so far, the only source of Compassionate Release motions that can be filed by a prisoner proceeding in pro se.

Riggs went a step further in writing this book, he went on to explain the procedures of the Bureau of Prisons. He explains the procedures step-by-step for the filing of Compassionate Release by both a prisoner and a prisoner's family from outside of prison. Kelly Riggs knows firsthand the tricks that prisons play with a prisoner's paperwork and he goes on to explain how to overcome even those difficulties. It is for the many American people who can't afford the outrageous cost of an attorney that Freebird Publishers makes this book available.

For more information about this book and early release from federal prison, visit



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