The over Use of Police Brutality and Harassment in Today's Society
Some of the most abusive people in history have committed terrible acts of violence and have abused the authority granted to them under state laws. This conduct has become so common place in America that the U.S. Congress enacted a number of federal laws to protect American citizens and prisoners alike. One such law is codified in The United States Code, Title 42, Section 1983. This statute provides that American citizens and prisoners can be compensated for damages caused by any person who abuses the state authority they have been granted. Violations of civil rights have occurred throughout this country for over 100 years- mostly against the most vulnerable Americans, those who have no means to hire a lawyer to defend themselves. Today, state prisoners are the most commonly victimized Americans. Since prisoners generally have no assets and can't earn a living, 99.9 percent of those American prisoners have to seek relief by filing as pro se, meaning without the benefit of a lawyer. Section 1983 is a federal law and, let's face it, federal law is complicated. Seeking relief in federal court is difficult and, without meaningful instruction, nearly impossible to navigate- UNTIL NOW. Freebird Publishers has once again leveled the playing field for inmates forced to proceed without a lawyer. Freebird Publishers has recently made public "The Pro Se Section 1983 Manual." This book is an invaluable and indispensable resource for pro se inmates who seek to protect their constitutional rights while in prison. This book is the most powerful litigation tool on the market. It is written by an experienced inmate for use by inmates. "The Pro Se Section 1983 Manual" is an authoritative, organized, and easy-to-understand manual designed to bring results. Every inmate wishing to protect their civil or constitutional rights should have a copy. There is no other book like this one regarding section 1983. This manual guides the layman through every step of civil rights litigation, from identifying a civil rights claim, to preparing legal documents, and finally, how to litigate the case. This manual is a powerful addition to the collection of legal resources provided by Freebird Publishers. Freebird is dedicated to providing the best legal procedure books, that are presented in an easy-to-understand format, covering many areas of legal practice. Those who cannot afford a lawyer should search Freebird Publishers online bookstore. They also have listings that cover Habeas Corpus Law, Post-Conviction Relief Procedure, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and much more. Freebird offers services that mail books to prisoners with direct prison book delivery. About Freebird Publishers Freebird Publishers (, based in Massachusetts (MA), services the entire United States and many International location. Freebird provides inmate services, prisoner publications, inmate education resources, prisoner services, and other products for the incarcerated. They also offer self-publishing services to inmates and their loved ones. All Freebird Publishers books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all major online book sellers.