The Hardest Thing About Being in Prison

Prisoners around the country are deprived of nearly all information that can help them keep engaged with their communities. On July 3, 2019, Freebird Publishers made a significant step toward bridging that gap by publishing their latest, updated "Inmate Shopper, Annual 2019-20 Edition". As the largest inmate resource guide available, prisoners will find much of the information they need to stay connected. Not only is this huge book (380 pages 8" X 10") full of useful products and services, it also features specialized schedules, opportunities, and tips to help make enduring prison life a little easier. Freebird made available one of the most reliable resource guides on the market. Although, there are literally hundreds of companies that cater to this specialized market, Freebird is the proven leader in the industry. For seven years, they have done this not only by publishing America's largest inmate shopping and services directory for prisoners, but also by adding in hundreds of extra, useful features that are not available from any other publisher. At Freebird Publishers, they take additional steps to qualify each and every business that they list. They review each listing to be sure it is correct and has the most up-to-date information. They list only reputable companies in their Business Directory. Freebird Publishers has created a custom line of books with listings for everyone's interest which include inmate entertainment, income opportunities for writers and artists, how-to books, legal assistance, do-it-yourself post-conviction relief, prison cookbooks, and much more. At Freebird Publishers no one is left out. The Inmate Shopper has something for everyone regardless of age, race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. It contains special sections for sports fans, pen pals, incarcerated veterans, re-entering prisoners, LGBTQ communities, criminal justice news, accessible gifts, and more. With the help of Freebird Publishers, a prisoner's life doesn't have to end as he or she enters the prison- their available services can help make it a time of meaningful personal change. Freebird Publishers also promote inmates to send in submissions to them for consideration of being published in one of the book issues. The details on how to do this is in each book, listed in the business directory. Many of articles, stories, poems, comics, that are published in the Inmate Shopper is from the incarcerated community. Freebird Publishers is headquartered in North Dighton, Massachusetts. They have been in the business of providing necessary information and specialized publishing services to inmates since 2013. They have earned the confidence of prisoners and their families nationwide. For more information about The Inmate Shopper, and the tools it provides, that an inmate can use to make their incarceration more productive visit: or send a direct e-mail to: