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Prisoner Rehabilitation Aide with Pen Pal Services

"Prisoners are persons whom the most of us would rather not think about." – Leoteien Bleeker Many prisoners are lonely. Left with no one to help, no one to talk to, and no true friendships to cling to. Sites like,,, and many others have provided a service for those incarcerated who are looking to meet people while doing time. Some have spent a great deal of time writing to inmates. At first, they maybe hesitant. Some decided to only write inmates who had some sort of "email" service so they wouldn't have to list a home address. After people browse the many sites out there finding prisoners who seemed to really be in need. You could almost hear the desperation in the words they said as they tried to talk themselves up on these sites. It's funny because some people so not even look at the committed crime, which is really surprising seeing as they maybe hesitant about writing them. Suppose the e-mail feature provided them with enough security that it didn't necessarily bother them. Many of the prisoner pen pal sites are now adopting features which allow contacting inmates without sharing a physical address. With more and more prisons utilizing services like JPay and Corrlinks (inmate emailing) it's easier to begin a pen pal relationship and get to know these men and women before sharing a physical address (if ever). While most of the pen pal sites have some way of showing which prisoners are able to accept mail, there is only a couple – and – which allow people to easily filter pen pals, showing only the members who have access to these services, making it super easy to choose a prisoner with e-mail access. There are 2,298,300 persons incarcerated in the U.S. alone and of these most have few or no friends who stick by their sides. If you choose to help a lonely prisoner keep in mind there are many ways to protect yourself while doing so. There are 2,298,300 persons incarcerated in the U.S. alone and of these most have very few or no friends who stay by their sides. These prisoners are lonely and need pen pals, new friends, mentors from society to help them stay connected to the outside world. If this is a choose to become a pen pal, you now have options on how to correspond with those incarcerated. Technology has brought email into some of today's prison facilities for a securer way to communicate. Feel like reaching out to a lonely prisoner there are many options. About Penacon Penacon,, based in Massachusetts (MA) goal is to help those within the incarcerated community gain friendship and make romantic connections around the world. Whether looking for a new friend to connect with or want to stay in touch with an imprisoned loved one, this is the right place. Browse the site for personal ads, pictures and profiles of inmates to find a pen pal today!

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