Don’t Miss Freebird Publishers’ Recent News Appearance

Eager to learn more about Freebird Publishers and our unique business? You’re in luck! We were recently featured on NBC 10 News! Watch the news segment now to learn more about our services and how they help inmates.
In the segment, we talk about a few of our popular products like:
Cookbooks: Some of the cookbooks feature fun names like “Killer Frito Pie” and “Prisagna”
Self-help books: These books offer hope and can help inmates adjust to life on the outside.
Books featuring adult content: These are obviously bestsellers.
Also offered to inmates is Inmate Shopper, which is a catalog that help those on the inside buys gifts on special occasions like holidays, weddings, etc. It is an incredible resource to prisoners that goes beyond offering just books. It also provides articles, lawyer information, and other services. There is even a censored version available to ensure that it passes the prison review system.
Why are inmates our main customers? Diane states in the clip that she started Freebird Publishers four years ago because there are “really no resources for the inside population of inmates.” As a company, we want to help those in the system to more easily re-enter society after they are released.
Want to help your loved one to be better equipped to handle life on the outside? You can browse our website to find the right book or gift basket, or you can send them a current issue of Inmate Shopper. Contact Freebird Publishers today to place your order!