B-More Addicted A Writers Intro and Synopsis
There is no way to stop it. No possible way to contain it. But we know that it's there. It shows up in all manner of human behavior. Yet...

Dysfunction Junction
“Good times….bad times…you know I’ve had my share.” Good Times, Bad Times by Led Zeppelin When someone asks me casually, “How ya doing?”...

The First O. J. Book
I got the idea for an O.J. Simpson book long before all the others came out. The inspiration came in a flash at three in the morning as I...

“Leave love bleeding in my hands…” Hemorrhage by Fuel Being dead is one strange trip. It keeps me busy yet still I often wonder what my...

At War: Inside the Walls
They call me D. I am a woman federal inmate at a Bureau of Prison's (B.O.P.) facility. I have been locked up since April 1, 2008. At the...