Freebird Publishers Helps Inmates Pass Time with Entertainment
Freebird Publishers collaborates with leading prison author Mike Enemigo to help inmates and their families cope with America's...

The Good Life Starts After Leaving Prison for Published Authors
Freebird Publishers continue to support their authors after they leave prison. Freebird Publishers has touched many prisoners with the...

Studies Have Found That Crime is Linked to Poverty
Freebird Publishers makes a national effort to fight poverty and crime together. This young publishing company has discovered that...

Author Speaks Out About Productive Life After Prison
In 2016, best-selling author Kelly Patrick Riggs was given a gift by the CEO of Freebird Publishers. He was given the gift of success...

Freebird Publishers Improves the Quality of Life for American Families
The new release of the latest Inmate Shopper ( https://www.freebirdpublishers.com/product-page/inmate-shopper-2023-2024 ) brings humanity...